Robin hood legend of sherwood very choppy
Robin hood legend of sherwood very choppy

robin hood legend of sherwood very choppy

Marian: I only regret I did not join them sooner! N3: Robin leaps onto the back of her horse. N2: Lady Marian gallops up to Robin Hood. Merry Men (throwing off their cloaks) : Hooray!

robin hood legend of sherwood very choppy

N1: Snap! The arrow whizzes through the air and slices the hangman’s rope. She raises her bow and draws a sparkling, silver arrow to her cheek. N3: Suddenly, Lady Marian appears on horseback. N2: Friar Tuck climbs the platform and blesses Robin while secretly cutting the rope binding Robin’s hands. N3: Robin is dragged out of the dungeon onto a platform, his hands bound.įriar Tuck: Would you kill this man without a blessing? N3: Lady Marian clutches the silver arrow as Robin is dragged away. Sheriff: Tomorrow, Robin Hood will hang! It will be a lesson for all who think they are above the law. N2: Robin fights bravely, but he is overpowered. Robin: And miss all the fun? I think not! Will (from the crowd) : Run, Master Robin! Sheriff: You are better than the coward Robin Hood, who dared not show his face today. The sheriff approaches, his purple robe flaring. You might need it the next time you pass through Sherwood Forest. Marian: Sir Champion, you beat the unbeatable. N2: Lady Marian brings forward the silver arrow. He splits Gilbert’s arrow in half and pierces the bull’s eye. Sheriff: My lead archer, Gilbert, has hit the center. Herald (shouting) : Each archer will shoot one arrow. Sheriff (scowling) : Where is Robin Hood? N1: The sheriff, Sir Guy, and Lady Marian sit on a platform.

Robin hood legend of sherwood very choppy Patch#

N3: A hunched-over beggar with an eye patch arrives. N2: Archers from far and wide gather in Nottingham. N2: Robin’s men blindfold Sir Guy and Lady Marian and lead them to their secret camp. Robin: You must be hungry after a long day of robbing the poor. Robin: The lady is both beautiful and wise. Marian: Sir Guy, we are quite outnumbered. Dozens of Merry Men appear, ready to fire their arrows. N1: Sir Guy and his guards draw their swords. There is a reward of 200 gold coins for anyone who catches him. Marian: Is this Robin Hood as dangerous as they say? If they worked harder, they would have plenty. Guy: She couldn’t pay her fees, so I took it.

robin hood legend of sherwood very choppy

Lady Marian: Didn’t this belong to a villager? Sir Guy: My lady, I would like you to have this, to remember our day together. N3: Sir Guy and Lady Marian ride through Sherwood Forest with their guards. Merry Men (chanting) : The sheriff is cruel, we’ll take this no more. Will: His pouch will be heavy with coins. He will pass through here on his way back. This is not right!įriar Tuck: One of the sheriff’s knights is collecting fees today. Robin (giving it to Much) : I will not let your family starve. N3: Robin takes bread and meat from his bag. Robin: Nay, let us use our brains rather than our muscles. Little John: I will bash the sheriff in the. Much: My father could not pay the new fees the prince is demanding, so the Sheriff of Nottingham burned down our mill. N2: They see a young man digging in the dirt with his hands. Will Scarlet: The prince gets richer, and his people get poorer! Little John: Even the poorest must pay him more money! He is raising the fees he collects again!

robin hood legend of sherwood very choppy

Robin Hood: The prince is rotten! He is making us all give him our money. Merry Men: Prince John is as greedy as the forest is green. N1: In Sherwood Forest, Robin Hood and his Merry Men loudly chant.

Robin hood legend of sherwood very choppy